inepro Group
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Electricity Meters
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Contactless Payments
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RFID Readers
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Metering solutions for campsites & marinas

Our metering solutions enable campsites and marinas to identify peak usage times and optimise energy efficiency by monitoring the energy consumption of individual campsites or moorings. This capability not only supports cost-effective energy management but also facilitates the fair distribution of energy costs among guests, promotes transparency, and potentially reduces overall costs. Additionally, guests gain insight into their energy consumption, promoting a more conscientious approach and encouraging sustainable practices. The data provided by our metering solutions allows sites to develop initiatives to promote energy savings and explore green energy options, furthering sustainability efforts.

Metering solutions for campsites & marinas

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Customer case

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Jasper Bosgraaf inepro Metering
Ronald inepro Metering
Ingrid Schavemaker inepro Metering

Our team is here to assist you

Would you like advice, detailed information about our electricity meters or a personalised quote for our metering solutions?